The usher ministry has the most direct interaction and personal service to the congregation. Ushers greet our visitors and fellow parishioners at the church door for the 10 a.m. Sunday services; they welcome them to our service and their greeting alone can enrich a worshiper’s experience through projecting a friendly environment for worship. An usher also has the privilege of participating in the service by assisting the clergy during the service. They not only assist in the gathering of the offering and directing parishioners to the altar to receive Holy Communion, but also in a variety of ways. Ushers provide a weekly count of service attendees, hand out bulletins to people entering the church, provide church information to visitors and newcomers, and generally do everything we can to make everyone feel welcome. The usher ministry can have a profound impact on a person’s Sunday worship experience. At St. Paul’s Parish, we are always looking for people to participate in this ministry and all are welcome to join! To volunteer as an usher, contact the Senior Usher, Todd Bracker by leaving a message at the Church Office, 330.725.4131