About Our Services

The Episcopal Church considers the Holy Eucharist, also called “Holy Communion”, “the Lord’s Supper”, or “the Mass”, to be the principal act of Christian worship on the Lord’s Day (Sunday) and other major Feasts. The services of Daily Morning and Evening Prayer, as set forth in The Book of Common Prayer (1979), are also services appointed for public worship in the Church.

In all services, the entire Christian assembly participates. Each of the orders of ministry, lay persons, bishops, priests, and deacons, have their proper roles and functions in each service. The leader of worship in a Christian assembly is normally a bishop or priest. Deacons by virtue of their order do not exercise a presiding function; but, like lay persons, may officiate in the Liturgy of the Word, whether in the form provided in the Daily Office, or (when a bishop or priest is not present) in the form appointed at the Eucharist. Lay persons, as noted, may officiate in the Liturgy of Word, and may also assist when worship is led by a priest of bishop by reading lessons, leading prayers, and assisting in the administration of the Elements of Holy Communion.

In the Episcopal Church and the Anglican tradition, we recognize that the Altar is God’s Table, not our own. Therefore, all who come seeking Christ at St. Paul’s Parish are invited and welcomed to join us in receiving the Blessed Sacrament.



At St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, the Holy Eucharist is offered twice on Sundays: 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.

8:00 a.m. – Holy Communion, Rite II, Low Mass.

The early Sunday morning service uses Rite II from The Book of Common Prayer (1979); this is a contemporary English service. It is referred to as “Low Mass” because, although the clergy and liturgical assistants are vested, there is no music and a minimum of ceremonial. This service always includes a sermon.

10:00 a.m. – Holy Communion, Rite II, Choral Eucharist.

The later Sunday morning service also uses Rite II. This service offers music in the form of instrumental preludes, postludes, and occasional music; hymns and other songs accompanied by our pipe organ or other instruments; and anthems offered by one of our choirs or by other performers. The “Propers” of the Mass may be chanted and other elements of traditional western catholic ceremonial are incorporated into the liturgy. This service also always includes a sermon.

Once each quarter, our 10 a.m. service is designated as a children’s service.

We celebrate Christ with and through our children as they:

  • Read the Scriptures
  • Lead the Prayers of the People
  • Sing, Dance, and Play Musical Instruments
  • Take Up the Offerings of the People
  • Present the Gifts at the Altar
  • Usher and Greet Members and Visitors
  • Prepare and Serve Snacks at Coffee Hour

EVERYONE is Welcome.



One other regularly scheduled service is offered at St. Paul’s Parish on weekdays.

9:30 a.m., Tuesdays – Daily Office of Morning Prayer.

Although offered in conjunction with a ladies’ book discussion group which meets following this service, all are welcome. The Daily Office of Morning Prayer on Tuesday mornings is a lay-led devotion. There is neither music nor sermon at this service.


Special Services

Throughout the Christian Year there are special services offered, such as on Christmas Eve or during Holy Week. In addition, baptisms, weddings, and funerals are scheduled as need arises. Please click the links below for information about marriages and burials at St. Paul’s Parish.

Christmas Eve Mass: 6:00 p.m. Children’s Mass

Christmas Eve Mass: 10:30 p.m. Choir and Bass Band

Christmas Day Mass: 10:00 a.m.


